I have finished my small extractor and decompiler for the "Game Adaptation Language" logic resources used in the early King's Quest releases. I'm sharing my work-in-progress.
GALextract.exe requires a 360K disk image, its name specified as a command-line argument; all known versions of the game should be supported. If specifically the gnome/beanstalk messages are corrupt, then your disk image is the badly-cracked version of the game that is floating around the internet.
GALdecompile takes the name of the logic resource as a command-line argument and outputs the decompiled script to the standard output. WORDS.BIN must be in the current directory; this is the equivalent to AGIv2's WORDS.TOK, which in the case of GAL is hard-coded into the main executable file, like so many things.
Being a work-in-progress, it's far from perfect --- some opcode meanings are unknown, some may have their lengths misidentified, and I may have made an incorrect guess at what some of them mean. I'm also a bit stumped by the meaning of "FB FE 00 00" in the test command blocks. I have started filling in preliminary object and variable names; they are only valid for the "PCjr/Tandy 1000 disk" of the Sierra On-Line release; their names will be off for the IBM PCjr release. Still, it's not bad for a first effort, I would say.