I initially had the same issues that vafada did. I expected that after cloning the repo, the solution and projects would load and run without any manual fiddling, but like him, I'm not familiar with how dependency management works in Visual Studio, so am not familiar with what experienced C#/.NET coders would expect after cloning a git repo for a .NET project. When I set up the AGILE project, I assumed I had to add the DLL files into the github repo, under the subfolders of the main project that it was loading them from, so that hopefully the project would load and run straight off. Probably a misguided assumption but it seemed to work and felt cleaner at the time. I'd be happy to be educated by our C# experts out there. For all I know, adding DLLs for dependencies to the repo might be a big no no and there is instead some dependency management step that should be added and running as part of the project build, similar to how node and java do things.
Anyway, I managed to get Visual AGI to run by putting the DLL files in the locations that it was looking for them (as shown in vafadas earlier post), i.e. by creating the folders to match. This was a quick hack for me locally, as I didn't want to make any major changes to the project files, in case you were tidying it up still Collector. It has allowed me to start the application and start playing around with it.
I started by loading KQ1 and then opening up a PICTURE and then a VIEW to play around. I then tried opening GR, which is an AGI V3 game. I suspect that in the past, this wouldn't have worked for Visual AGI, but after the changes to the AGI Library introduced by AGILE to support AGI V3, it looks like it is working to some degree now. It shows some error messages, but it does then show the VOLs with resources under them. Some may be missing (I haven't checked that yet) but I was able to open up PICTURE.10, which was the one that vafada reported the picture rendering issue for a while back and that we then fixed. I was pleased to see that the PICTURE is rendering fine in Visual AGI now as well, so that shows that Visual AGI has picked up the AGI Library fixes that have been added over the past few months.