I'm trying to convert SCI0 Views to SCI1. If there is an existing tool, please let me know. It can be done by exporting each cell in SC then importing as an image sequence, but it's tedious to do.
The SCI0 view format is straightforward enough. I can parse the file and export all loops and cels which gets me most of the way there, but it would be nice to convert to .v56 instead of having to rebuild the view by hand in SC.
Here's the problem. A comment in Scummvm's repo says the SCI1 view should be:
// LoopCount:WORD MirrorMask:WORD Version:WORD PaletteOffset:WORD LoopOffset0:WORD LoopOffset1:WORD...
but when looking at 0.v56 from KQ5, I can find the loop count [8] at 0x26, but nothing else seems correct. Loop 1 should mirror loop 0, and since that's the only mirrored loop, the mirror mask should be 0x0200. The Palette seems to be tacked on to the end of the file and is nowhere near the supposed palette offset. Loop offsets also appear incorrect.
For VGA11 is formatted a bit different, but I'm still having the same problem - I can find the loop count, but nothing else seems to match up.
Any thoughts as to where I'm going wrong here?