Times like this make me wish there was a "?!" message icon.
I swear this is a tutorial/guide I saw somewhere. I don't know if it was on the forums, or the wiki, or what, but I can't find it for the life of me.
It was a guide on making an "exit message" (optionally, a randomly selected one) that appears in DOS upon exiting the game. The example given was the messages that pop up when you exit SQ6 to DOS, and the process involved putting all the messages you wanted in a text resource.
I know this tutorial/guide exists because I remember using it and showing off the results to my friends. Or did I hallucinate the whole thing? Or maybe I'm just tired and it was right here all along (I stayed up later than usual tonight to work on RoPreSto.)
Also, I'm sorry if this isn't in the right board. I couldn't think where else to put it, and as I mentioned before, I'm quite tired, so apologies if this post in general has a thousand horrible mistakes. I'll probably edit this heavily when I wake up tomorrow.