So far, the game that is coming out is absolutely nothing like I had planned on making when starting out. As in my usual style, when making a game for a competition it is absolutely not an adventure game, so I don't want anyone to get their hopes up to high. On the other hand though, just like with my other competition submissions, I am doing something in SCI that has never been done before so there is that to look forward to.
I had planned on making a series of mini-games all with a winter theme, but now it is just one mini-game that gets progressively harder as you go from room to room. So far, one room complete... two rooms the game is functional and beatable but the backgrounds have not been completed. Hopefully I'll find time in the next few days to get the backgrounds drawn and add in some music, so there will be at least three rooms. After that, maybe add a couple more screens, but we'll see.
Anyway, snow is falling and puzzles are puzzling... just need to finish it up.