I'm thinking that next year I'll try to fit a graphic adventure in to 13k for the js13kgames contest. Obviously it won't have a lot of bitmap graphics, but I might be able to come up with something that looks pretty cool. Browsers these days have a lot of features that give you things for free. WebGL is pretty amazing, CSS3, and the canvas API... If I can put it together in the right way, then maybe I can make something that looks good and has a decent number of rooms and items, and a story to go with it. Would be impressive if it could be pulled off. I doubt they'll be thinking that a graphic adventure would enter the contest.

I can't have a lot of text, so I'd need to use icons for input, and some kind of low cost visual response to the input.
I do have a faster version of "You've Been Glitched" in the pipepline. Just preparing an HTML file for you at the moment. Will put it on AGIFANS.COM in the file section to I can link to it. Firefox was fairly happy with the original version, but is much crisper with the new version.
Unfortunately it has stopped working in IE altogether. I don't think I'll try getting it working before releasing it to you. The fact that it is now playable in Chrome will hopefully satisfy you all.
(@Jupiter_Hadley on Youtube tried the game on Chrome earlier today and it was quite embarrassing how slow it was, but she was quite good about it. Blamed her PC :-) )
Edit: My game is at about the 8 minute mark.